Roundtable Forum
Our 19th Year
September 2016
Current Discussions
New Midway painting Torpedo 8 TBF Avenger
Brewster Buffalo found at Midway
The Farmer is in the Dell
Cdr. Robert K. Campbell
Wallace Clark Short , Jr.
Chicago Tribune leak after Battle of Midway
Midway Wildlife Refuge and National Memorial
Announcements and Questions
The Battle of Midway Roundtable Opening Remarks
This month we have a great painting of Harry Ferrier's TBF Avenger by John Greaves. Didn't know this before but he's been out for quite some time. Welcome back and hope to see more paintings in the future. We also have an interesting development in the investigation of the leak after Midway by the Chicago Tribune where the records might be unsealed after all these years. For those unfamiliar (don't think any are but for a summary) with the case the government investigated Stanley Johnston and the Chicago Tribune after the Battle of Midway because they stated in the paper that the United States had broken the Japanese code or at the very least knew about the Japanese plans. The government conducted and investigation but ultimately decided not to press anything and the matter was dropped. Some of this was due to the Japanese not seemingly picking up on the story or at the very least doing anything to suggest that they knew their Naval Codes had been broken. The other factor was
due to Stanley Johnston being awarded a medal after helping rescue many men when the Lexington was lost at Coral Sea. They did not want to both award him and convict him at the same time. In the end they decided to close the case and seal the records. But developments lately suggest that the records might finally be unsealed and we might finally find out who leaked the info to Stanley Johnston and whether it was intentional or accidental.
More items in the newsletter this month. Enjoy.
New Midway painting Torpedo 8 TBF Avenger
From John Greaves:
I've recently finished a painting of the Earnest TBF Avenger that I've titled "The Other Sole Survivors", that I would like to share with the Roundtable!
I had started it quite some time ago, and ended up being in the hospital from the end of February to the end of July 2016 fighting off the H1N1 virus. To my eternal regret, Harry Ferrier passed away before I could get this finished.
I have put the image up on my website with pictures of the crew, and attached it here as well.
This TBF is one of the few Battle of Midway aircraft that has been well photographed from different angles so I had good reference to work with. You don't see a lot of Avenger aviation art, and I've always liked the look of her.
I'm slowly but surely recovering and getting back into painting again. Hope all is well with you.
Editors Note: The painting is amazing. Thank you. I'll post it in this months newsletter. And glad you've recovered from the virus. Nasty stuff. Lost some good people to it unfortunately. Hope you can do more paintings now. Always enjoy your work. And yes Harry Ferrier would have enjoyed it I'm sure.
Brewster Buffalo found at Midway
From Timothy Tynan:
You may have seen this already. I ran across this article on a Brewster Buffalo found at Midway. It was not lost during the battle but in February 1942. Here is the link to the Images of Brewster F2A Buffalo Discovered in 2012 at Midway ..
Editors Note: I had not seen this before but I had heard about it. Glad someone posted the pictures and video.
The Farmer is in the Dell
From Bill Vickrey:
I had forgotten how the PBY crew’s knew they were to return to Pearl and why many of them did not do so. IF they received a message “the farmer is in the dell” they were to go to Pearl. Many of them got the message and many did not. Most of them – with whom I was in contact – knew that the message might be sent.....several of them told me they did not get the message and I do not (without a lot of research) know of any who got the message. Quickly I remember Gerry Child telling me that he and Thueson (his PPC) did not get the message.
Cdr. Robert K. Campbell
Editors Note: Continuing from last months conversation
From Barrett Tillman:
I don't have much additional info on LeMay, though his time in Pendleton, Oregon, is of interest because that's the county seat of my home range. Nearly everything I had to say about LeMay is in the Palgrave "Great Generals" series.
From Larry Wahl:
Pendleton is also of interest to me as that is where my birth Father trained in B-17s and worked for Gen. LeMay for a short while in early 1942. I’ll read up on that more in “Great Generals” series. Thank you.
My birth mother’s family homesteaded in Pendleton in 1880s and acquired quite a bit of land over the years. They raised wheat and cattle. My birth mother met my birth father at O’club dance before he headed out to fly a B-17 to CBI in late spring of ’42. Typical Saturday night for aviators and cute gals!!
Also, Robert Campbell celebrated his 99th birthday August 18th. He is doing well and still on track to be honored at our Veterans Day Ceremony. His Navy Cross and other awards were stolen some years ago so we have ordered replacements to hopefully arrive in time to present to him on Veterans Day.
Larry Wahl
Valor awards for Wallace Clark Short , Jr.
From Fran Klaus:
Editors Note: An interesting site where you can search for awards. This one on Wallace Short is for actions at Midway, Coral Sea, and Lae, New Guinea.
Navy Had Word of Jap Plan to Strike at Sea; Knew Dutch Harbor Was a Feint.
From James Walla:
The old headlines that appeared in the Chicago Tribune on June 7, 1942 after classified Naval documents were leaked to reporter Stanley Johnston. Now according to this report we may soon have the court unseal the testimony from the 1942 leak investigation after the Battle of Midway.
Follow up article in the Chicago Tribune.
Editors Note: Although nothing has been revealed yet, and the government lawyers have till December to appear any ruling, if the records are indeed unsealed we may know who leaked the information to Stanley Johnston about the US breaking the Japanese Code.
Midway National Wildlife Refuge and Battle of Midway National Memorial
From Fran Kraus:
Editors Note: An interesting page about the commemoration coming up on June 4, 2017. Page is worth visiting and even has a picture of both Ed Fox and John Miniclier visiting the island in 2012.
Announcements and Questions
Battle of the Coral Sea 75th anniversary speaker wanted
From Christopher Nicholson:
I am the manager of enrichment Princess Cruises. I am looking for a speaker to deliver talks of the this important battle in our history. Do you know of a speaker/presenter who could deliver talks on our Vessels sailing out of Australia, May 2017, commemorating this battle?
Christopher Nicholson
Editors Note: I contacted him for more information such as total time, expected duties, travel, and compensation. He said he'd get back to me on a complete package but in the mean time anyone interested contact me and I'll pass on the info. This would be a good way to see Australia, or at least some of it, if it works out. I'll post more information when available.